Trefoil Clamps
Trefoil Clamps are utilized for laying three single or multi conductor low, medium or high voltage cables (shielded and un-heavily clad) in Triangular configuration.
Trefoil Clamps/Cable Cleats are utilized for laying single core cables in Trefoil contacting development which help up maintaining magnetic symmetry thereby avoiding electromagnetic warming and loss of current.
Proxl Global clamps have been manufactured by embellishment process from Virgin Glass Filled materials. Glass filled materials are utilized to build the adaptability of the clamp and to maintain avoid the breaking the clamps from the hook while the fixing technique of the three single core cable.

FRP Trefoil Clamps

FRP trefoil clamps are reasonable for supporting single core PVC/HDE, XLPE, XLPE protected aluminum, un- armored, earth and un earth power cables from 1. 1 kv to 132 kv grade. 3 phase AC circuits in trefoil formation in generation stations, sub-stations, thermal power stations, switchgear plants , industrial installation, terminal kits, and straight through jointing kits etc. these can be used for indoor or outdoor for vertical or horizontal running cables inside trenches or on racks / galleries.
Three single core cables are fixed in to the Trefoil clamps by means of Bolts, Nuts & Washers which depends upon the Customer’s request. Aluminum Trefoil Clamps can also be supplied as per Customer’s Requirements.
Advantages of Proxl Global Trefoil Clamps
· Long Life as not influenced by Atmosphere, Chemicals and Acids.
· Reduce Breaking chances of Hooks due to Glass filled Nylon material
· Avoids electromagnetic heating and loss of current.
· Some Variation of cable measurement additionally can be fixed effectively and invigorates the great mechanical because of its exceptional Design.